This part: “Your presence in my life doesn't negate the pain and struggles that exist. Instead, you provide the much-needed presence and hope that makes the challenges bearable.”

I love that Joy can resound and still be present in our lives and sought out despite our challenges. And sometimes it even makes us stronger.😍

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Thank you! Merry Christmas 🎄

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Thanks I really appreciate how specific this post is.

Do you recommend a  web  page that sits alone for a book; or to add a page to our current website we own?

Also Is it good to establish a website that may be on wordpress.com or self made and I where I use  a few  blog posts?

Thanks keri

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Hi Jenn

There are lots of ways to do this--I think it kind of depends where you are in your writing career. If you have a website, you can create a landing page within it for a specific book. I have all of my books on my author site, and when one releases, I put up a temporary landing page to kind of make a big announcement. And it makes sense to have a blog on that same site.

That being said, i am currently in the process of creating a second site for A Powerful Story, my writing and publishing business (it has been just a page or two no my author site). Mostly that's because both that business of helping writers self-publish, and my work as the author of my own books, are both growing, and need their own spaces.

I use Wordpress for my site--but I use wordpress.org software on my self-hosted site. (This article explains the difference between .com and .org : https://elementor.com/blog/wordpress-com-vs-wordpress-org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=10759652828&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiApOyqBhDlARIsAGfnyMo85_MP79BgIxqsPtcktkwyFlf9Cufxpeen7j2c4Cl7n99IsyNT7e4aAqrrEALw_wcB

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